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Breaking The Phobia: Public Speaking Tools That Build Confidence For Employees At Work. 

We all occasionally have to speak in front of an audience, whether it’s at a team meeting or when giving a presentation. We can do this task well or unsuccessfully, and the result has a significant impact on how others see us.

Public speaking is an important talent to have in work. It is essential for giving unique and interesting speeches and public discussions that help you connect with your audience. Furthermore, public speaking is extremely effective in professional presentations, training events, and motivational speaking. A poor speaker may make an excellent concept or product appear less enticing, whereas a good speaker can make a mediocre idea more appealing. 

Public speaking is a soft skill that requires strong communication skills, a sense of excitement, and the ability to captivate an audience. 

The majority of professional-level positions include some level of public speaking. Functions including presenting results, presenting suggestions, training workers, and running meetings are frequently required.

There are some employees at work who are afraid of speaking publicly, because they believe they won’t be heard or that speaking up might embarrass their managers or harm their own reputations, employees tend to keep their opinions to themselves. 

Anxiety is frequently manifested as a fear of public speaking. 

It might be anything from mild trepidation to paralyzing anxiety and terror. Many persons who suffer from this phobia either completely avoid public speaking situations or put up with them by trembling their hands and voice. However, you can conquer your fear with preparation and perseverance.

How can you get over your public speaking phobia?

The following are the strategies that have helped me conquer my stage fright and crowd speaking phobias throughout the course of how many years of public speaking. 

  1. Know your topic. Your comfort level speaking on stage increases as you learn more about your topics and become familiar with them. Spend some time preparing your answers to any inquiries the audience may have.
  2. Get organized. The material you wish to provide, along with any props, audio, or visual aids, should be well-planned.The better prepared you are, the less worried you will be. Before your presentation, you can go or research the venue where you’ll be presenting and review  their available equipment.
  3. Practice and then practice some more. You can invite people with whom you are less familiar and conduct a dry run of your presentation with their input. Consider producing a video of your presentation so you can review it and see where you can improve. These will help you become acquainted with your topic and provide ideas for improvements.
  4. Challenge specific worries. Describe your precise concerns. Then, directly refute each worry or the likelihood that your feared outcomes will occur by listing plausible and alternative outcomes .
  5. Visualize your success. Visualize a successful presentation. Your negative feelings about how you behave in social situations can be reduced, and some anxiety can be reduced, by thinking positively.
  6. Do some deep breathing. Before you approach the podium and throughout your speech, take two or more slow, deep breaths. This will help you feel more relax.
  7. Focus on your presentation not on your audience. Your audience will be more likely to pay attention to your speech if you make it more interesting by including educational themes and making it relevant. People focus more on fresh information than on how it is delivered.
  8. Don’t fear a moment of silence. Do not let your fear overcome you if you start to feel apprehensive or if you start to lose focus while speaking.  As long as you are knowledgeable about your topic you may quickly get back on course even if you make a mistake.
  9. Recognize your success. Give yourself a high five after your speech or presentation. Even if it wasn’t flawless, mistakes are made by everyone. Any errors you made should be viewed as a learning opportunity. 

What are the tools that we need to deliver a good speech to the public? 

An effective public speaker does not develop overnight. I would not be the accomplished public speaker and trainer I am today if I hadn’t gone through many situations. I also went to training sessions where I picked up several tools that can boost my confidence and improve my speaking abilities. There are powerful tools that we can utilize and develop to help us improve our skills and ability in public speaking: vocal delivery, body language, visual aids, audience engagement, and the method of delivery.


An essential component of good public speaking is vocal delivery. It has to do with how you speak to your audience in order to get your point through. The way you present your message might affect how your audience hears and understands it. Here are some pointers to help you deliver your vocals better:

  • Practice your breathing. Breathing correctly is essential for successful voice delivery, therefore practice it. To project your voice and maintain control over the tempo of your speech, take deep breaths from your diaphragm.
  • Vary your pitch and tone. Your listeners may become bored if you use a monotone tone and pitch. You can maintain your audience’s interest and engagement by changing your pitch and tone.
  • Utilize pauses. You may make your speech more memorable by pausing to stress key points, give your audience time to consider what you’ve said, and allow for audience reflection.
  • Use accent and emphasis. You may more effectively communicate the meaning and emotion of your message by emphasizing particular phrases and employing intonation.
  • Speak clearly. To ensure that your audience can understand you, speak clearly and with good enunciation.
  • Use appropriate volume. Make sure your voice is loud enough for your audience to hear it, but not so loud that it seems like you’re shouting.
  • Utilize appropriate speed. Maintain a speaking tempo that is suitable for your topic and audience. Avert speaking too quickly or slowly.


In a public speech, your body language could be an advantageous tool. Your body language has an impact on how your audience perceives you and how they comprehend your message. Such as your nonverbal cues; your posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact. Even before you start speaking, your audience members will have an opinion of you based on what they observe.So take this advice, dress and groom yourself appropriately for the occasion. 

Here are some pointers for using powerful body language when speaking in front of an audience:

  • Good posture conveys confidence and professionalism. Avoid slouching by keeping your shoulders relaxed and your back erect.
  • Making eye contact with your audience may help you connect with them and develop trust. As you speak, make eye contact with your audience members and scan the room.
  • Gestures can help you stress your points and successfully deliver your information. To demonstrate your thoughts, use natural hand movements, but avoid excessive or distracting gestures.
  • A welcoming smile can help you build a favorable rapport with your audience and make them more open to your message.
  • Walking or moving about the stage with purpose will help you captivate your audience and hold their attention. Avoid aimless pacing or fidgeting, since these can be distracting.
  • Facial expressions may assist you convey emotions and emphasize your speech. Use proper facial expressions to successfully convey your message.


During a public lecture, using visual aids may be a powerful technique to strengthen your points and keep the audience interested.

Visual aids are used for three main reasons:

  • To grab the audience’s attention and direct their attention to the key elements. Sometimes, it takes a striking image to draw the viewer’s attention in.
  • To give meaning to the words. It could be simpler to comprehend a visual, picture, or chart than to listen to someone explain anything verbally.
  • To convey your message. Visual tools are useful to assist in educating, informing, and persuading.


An essential component of good public speaking is audience involvement. Engaging your audience helps to solidify your message by grabbing their interest, earning their trust, and forging a connection.By engaging your audience, you can create a memorable and impactful speech that leaves a lasting impression.

Here are some ideas for keeping your audience interested during a speech in public:

  • Begin your speech with a great start that grabs the attention of your audience and makes them want to hear more.
  • Make your message relevant to your target audience’s interests, requirements, and expectations. Use examples and stories that are relatable to your audience’s experiences.
  • In order to inspire your audience to participate in your speech, ask them questions. This might assist to develop a discussion and make your speech more interactive.
  • Use suitable humor to lighten the mood and create a good ambiance. This might serve to relax your audience and make them more receptive to your speech.
  • Use personal tales and experiences to explain your views and make your speech more relevant. This might aid in making an emotional connection with your audience.
  • Encourage your audience to participate in your speech by soliciting their thoughts or ideas. This might assist in instilling a sense of ownership and engagement in your message.


You may deliver any form of speech using one of four methods: speaking from a manuscript, memory delivery, speaking impromptu, or speaking extemporaneously.

  • Speaking from a manuscript. This is a style of delivery in which the speaker reads from a script or text. This technique is frequently used for formal speeches or presentations.
  • Memory Delivery. This is a form of delivery in which the speaker memorizes and delivers the full speech from memory. This strategy is frequently used for speeches requiring a high level of accuracy or precision.
  • Speaking Impromptu.This is a delivery style in which the speaker gives a speech without prior preparation or rehearsal. This strategy is frequently used for brief presentations such as introductions or thank you addresses.
  • Extemporaneously. This is a delivery style in which the speaker prepares and plans their speech ahead of time but does not memorize it word for word. This strategy offers greater delivery flexibility and spontaneity.

Whatever method of delivery you decide on, it’s critical to practice and prepare beforehand to make sure your message is delivered clearly. When deciding how to deliver your message, take into account your audience, the speech’s goal, and your own strengths and weaknesses as a speaker. You can deliver a speech that has an impact on your audience and is compelling and successful with knowledge and preparation.

Consider attending a professional to guide you and coach you on how to build your confidence and  deliver a powerful speech or presentations. Your time to step into the spotlight is now!

Join other industry experts in their quest to stand out as the authority in their field and improve their speaking ability through OVATION Speaker Training. 

WE OFFER A VARIETY OF PUBLIC SPEAKING AND LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION COACHING. Connect with us at We are excited to strategize with you and witness your breakthroughs. 

Check out our FREE resource: 14 Tips to Make Your Message Memorable and make simple actionable steps towards your speaking goals immediately.

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