Business Improv Workshops And Trainings For Businesses Of All Sizes

For Quiet Quitting, Laughter is the Best Medicine

Megan McCaleb takes a group photo after teambuilding work event

In the age of quiet quitting, burnout, and the great resignation, adding improv games might improve company communication and could lead to a more fulfilling workplace. – Yahoo Finance


We need more levity, more collaboration, better communication in this world, and we can start by creating happier, healthier human connections with humor in the workplace through improv.

Recently, American society has been inundated with stress, tension, and anger. Unsurprisingly, these tensions have trickled into the workforce; 94% of workers report feeling stress at work, while nearly half of American workers report that such high stress is making them emotionally check out, which is leading to increasingly high resignation and turnover rates.

Read more in our full article on Accesswire.

Improv Team Culture originated in 2010 and provides virtual and in-person innovative, interactive business workshops for companies of all sizes. Through the use of improv comedy, Improv Team Culture boosts team building and skills training for a more productive, stress-free work environment. L​earn more about us here!


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