Business Improv Workshops And Trainings For Businesses Of All Sizes

Dreams Can Change

Follow Your Dreams
What PERMISSION are you waiting for to make the step you are itching to take? How much LIGHTER will you feel when you put down that THING you are carrying? I am personally shedding some layers of the old Megan and it’s painful, scary, and in some ways, I’ve felt that the shift might have been because I’ve FAILED in some ways because things didn’t go the way I used to daydream about. Guess what?! Dreams can change. We can change. And it doesn’t invalidate the choices we made up to this point. It only adds to our tool belt of experience.
You know what I’m really really really good at? Public speaking, helping others create a profoundly impactful message and curriculum for their own business ventures, and building beautiful stages for people to step into literal spotlights. Oh, and scattering that “Yes, And” sunshine all along my way.

And none of that was even what I was originally aiming for (or was it?)

This is stuff I’ve always gravitated towards, and I’ve always been drawn to the collaborative space of putting other people onto stages to be heard and seen, both in comedy and in business.
I’m obsessed with the human experience and amplifying the messages of those who are passionate about leaving a wake of POSITIVITY, PRODUCTIVE ACTION, and EMPOWERMENT.
Yet, I’ve been white-knuckling a change in my own life that’s been circling for a couple of years.
So, I’m channeling my best Elsa so I can finally LET IT GO. Being spread thin doing too many things has only slowed the roll.
I’d love to hear more about what YOU need to let go of. Get out of your own way, babes.

Photo Credit: D.J. Davis

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