Business Improv Workshops And Trainings For Businesses Of All Sizes

It’s Easy to Say Yes When We Agree

Easy to say Yes And
It’s easy to say yes when we agree with someone.
It’s easy to say yes to things we like, that we want to do, and that we already have an opinion on.
It’s a game changer when you can step into the unknown, courageously, to learn more about things you do NOT know much about, agree with, or understand.
It can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and frustrating to allow ourselves to open up and seek new information.
Yes is a tool for acceptance and acknowledgment.
It’s simply saying, “I hear you.”
And allows us to build together by sharing new information.
We can step into challenging conversations with more confidence in creating a space for collaboration with genuine interest in each other and being willing to learn something new, even if it makes us uncomfortable.
Yes and shifts the judgmental vibes to:
Tell me more.
Help me understand.
I’m listening.
We cannot make progress together if we are unwilling to learn from each others’ perspectives.
If your life; your story matters…so does theirs.

Check out our FREE resource: 14 Tips to Make Your Message Memorable and make simple actionable steps towards your speaking goals immediately.

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